Inventory N12 Finchley If you live in N12 Finchley, LPC offers a fast and reliable
inventory with great turnaround times.
What is an inventory report?
Inventories, known as an inventory and schedule of condition
report is a document that describes the condition of a property prior to the
tenants moving in. The document outlines the condition of the contents,
fixtures, fittings and cleanliness of the property.
Our reports include keys allocated and meter readings. A
comprehensive inventory report is an essential part of any tenancy agreement.
It protects both landlords and tenants, limiting disputes over liability and
damage at the end of the tenancy.
Our prices start from just £80. Exact price will depend on the
size of your property. Our sales team can give you an exact price, just simple
call us on 07723 001
249 .
Our Inventory Clerks are fully trained and have been Criminal Records Bureau checked.
LPC Ltd provides Inventories to N12 Finchley and the surrounding areas.